The best foods to eat after undergoing dental surgery

The best foods to eat after undergoing dental surgery

Let me set up a scenario for you. You’ve just gotten out of the dental chair after having a surgical procedure performed at Collingwood Dentistry. The procedure may have been a root canal or a dental implant and now you are beginning to worry about what you can safely...
The dangers of consuming canned soda on your teeth

The dangers of consuming canned soda on your teeth

If you’ve ever been a regular canned soda drinker, chances are your dentist has told you to stop consuming them or to at least limit your intake. Some statistics show at least 50% of people are daily consumers of soda. This type of behaviour is not only associated...
What causes sensitive teeth?

What causes sensitive teeth?

Are you someone who suffers from sensitive teeth? When you drink a hot beverage or take a bite of ice cream do you quiver in pain? Chances are almost everyone has suffered from having sensitive teeth at one point in their life. But why does this occur? In this blog, I...